What are the contents in a Missionary Bag?

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Dear Missionaries, let us have a look into what the Missionary Bag should contain. This will help you to be more effective in your Mission field. According to 1 Timothy 1/18 you are called to wage a good warfare.

What should a Missionary have in his/ her missionary bag?

In the medical field, there is always an emergency kit ready in the emergency unit to attend to the emergency cases that keep coming in. Similarly, a Missionary also needs to have an emergency kit prepared as he steps into his mission field to attend to the spiritually sick, attacked & dying souls.

In Ehesians 6:15, it says, “and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace."No matter where we are sent, we always need to have our feet fitted with readiness to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every place we go should be considered as our mission field.

In 2 Timothy 4:2, It says “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.”

Now let us see what should be there in a Missionary’s Bag.

  1.  We need a Bible. The word of God is our weapon. A Christian is always in a battlefield so without the weapon we shouldn’t go anywhere. (Ephesians 6/17)
  2.  A notebook  with pen for our personal use or to write down notes as we listen to someone Isaiah 30/8,Jeremiah 30:1-2.
  3. Gospel tracts/gospel Books we can carry in different languages to distribute it to people as the spirit leads. Sometimes we can keep it on vehicles or in front of houses etc as per the will of God. (1Timothy 4/13)
  4. Extra copies of the New Testament or the full Bibles in different native languages. These are available in Gideons International or Bible society.
  5.  Song Book can be used for singing  or teaching purpose
  6. CD /DVD with spiritual messages or songs that people can use in vehicles like cars or in CD players
  7. Pen drives which can be used to transfer videos, documents and messages straight to mobiles using OTG cable,in this generation this is very useful as mostly everyone has mobiles and it is an easy method to share the gospel using technology. Also OTG  pen drives which can be directly connected to the phone without any cable, to transfer messages.We can give gifts to people as they can connect it to LED TV, vehicles, Computer and other USB ports as per the availability.Moreover, We can transfer materials by using any file transferring apps to others and also social media.
  8. Then we can carry some sweets to give it to kids so that we may
    get an opportunity to talk with them.

Kindly take note that all this should be done according to the will of God and the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10/31

Let's ready to prepare a Missionary Bag!

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