Handwritten Song Book for Children Bible study

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Dear teachers of Children’s Ministry,

Visual aids are an effective tool for children’s ministry. It assists the tutor to present the lesson more effectively and helps the children learn and understand the lessons in a new, interesting & exciting way by also helping them retain the information for a longer duration. Teaching through singing songs is one way to enhance their learning and keep them engaged.

We would like to show you a handwritten song book which can be used to teach children during their Bible study class, VBS or Sunday school, etc.  it is a spiral bound book in which the lyrics are written in Malayalam for kids. You can make it in various languages too as per your requirement. 

According to Colossians 3:16, we have to teach and admonish each other with psalms, spiritual songs, and hymns. It is always good to teach kids devotional songs in their early childhood years as their brains are growing and they have the memory power to remember the songs even when they are grown up. Songs convey the message of the biblical truths and stories in child friendly way. Moreover, this is also a cost effective method. We can also glorify God with the gifts & talents He has blessed us with. (Mathew 25/15)

So, let’s get ready to try this!

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